The turf mixtures formulated by Continental Semences are developed by selecting the varieties best suited to different uses and types of soil.
They combine the benefits of biodiversity together with those of the selected varieties and allow to obtain
- Higher shoot density
- Enhanced disease resistance
- Better shade tolerance
- Improved insect resistance
- Earlier spring greenup
- Better tolerance to low maintnence
- Better looking turf
In addition to the range of standard mixtures, depending on the needs, the compositions can be customized for use and specific conditions. Flexibility and competence are the key points of Continental Semences.
55% Festuca rubra 30% Loietto perenne 10% Poa pratensis 5% Agrostide tenueGood wear tolerance and high aestethic value. It suits almost any environment, from sunny to medium shady.
Easy maintenance.
- Uses: recreational and ornamental
- Seeding rate: 30-40 g/mq
35% Lolium perenne 25% Lolium perenne 20% Poa pratensis 20% Festuca rubra fallaxIt germinates and roots very quickly. It is recommended on good texture soils rich in organic content. It keeps a pleasant and intense green colour throughout winter. It does not require frequent mowings.
- Uses: sport fields, recreational, sod
- Seeding rate: 25-40 g/mq.
Mar Tirreno
40% Festuca arundinacea 35% Festuca arundinacea 15% Lolium perenne 10% Poa pratensisVery rustic and water stress resistant. Its components are dark green varieties. It is suitable for hot and dry climates.
- Uses: recreational, sod
- Seeding rate: 30-50 g/mq.
45% Lolium perenne 45% Lolium perenne 10% Poa pratensisVery rapid establishment. Recommended to renew worn-out lawns.
- Uses: Recreational and sport fields
- Seeding rate: 20-40 kg /ha
50% Lolium perenne 45% Festuca rubra 3% Poa pratensis 2% Agrostis tenuisSuitable for large surfaces which have a turfing purpose rather than a decorative one.
- Uses: recreational
- Seeding rate: 30-40 g/mq.
60% Festuca arundinacea 25% Lolium perenne 10% Poa pratensis 5% Festuca rubraIt combines high wear tolerance with frequent mowings tolerance.Leaves are quite coarse.It is suitable for soccer and rugby fields.
- Uses: Sport fields
- Seeding rate: 30-50 g/mq
Sport Extra
60% Festuca arundinacea 25% Lolium perenne 10% Poa pratensis 5% Festuca rubraThe Extra mixture consists of finer varieties than the Sport mixture.
- Uses: sport fields
- Seeding rate: 30-50 g/mq.
30% Poa nemoralis / trivialis 30% Festuca rubra fallax 20% Festuca ovina 10% Agrostide tenue 10% Festuca rubra trichophyllaThis mixture includes the most shadow tolerant species. It is best on light soils. It has high water requirements. It emerges from the soil quite slowly, therefore, if it is necessary to get a green lawn quickly, it is advisable to add 10 g/m2 of perennial ryegrass during sowing. The perennial ryegrass will die after a few months, leaving its place to the other components of the mixture.
- Uses: shady areas
- Seeding rate: 20-30 g/mq
50% Festuca rubra 15% Poa pratensis 15% Festuca ovina 10% Agrostis tenuis 10% Festuca rubra trichopyllaSuitable for medium texture, not too clayey soils in sunny climates. It requires frequent watering.It forms a very dense and fine lawn. It is recommended on weed free soils, since it germinates slowly.
- Uses: Recreational and ornamental
- Seeding rate: 20-30 g/mq.
Extra fine
55% Festuca rubra fallax 40% Poa pratensis 5% Agrostis stoloniferaHigh decorative value.It requires great care and frequent watering. It also requires frequent mowings even if it grows very slowly since it must be mowed short to express its qualities -extreme fineness and density- at its best.
- Uses: ornamental
- Seeding rate: 20-30 g/mq.
In addition to the range of standard mixtures, depending on the needs, the compositions can be customized for use and specific conditions.