It can be considered the Queen of forages, thanks to its high nutritional value and its capability of keeping cattle healthy. The wide dffusion of alfalfa in the world proves its great adaptability to different climates and soils except for sub-acid ones. It does not tolerate water logging. The many alfalfa varieties differ one from another for frost tolerance, time of spring vegetation startup, quickness of regrowth, plant structure (stem, leaves and flowers). Uder favourable conditions and with spring sowing in the first year 2 to 4 cuts can be obtained, with a hay production of 6 to 8 Mt/ha. In the following years 4-7 cuts can be obtained with a hay production of 13-15 Mt/ha. The economical duration of an alfalfa field is 3-4 years. If needed phosphorous-potassium fertilizer applications should take place at time of establishment.