Research and development

Thanks to the innovation in selection and research methods, Continental Semences is in a position to satisfy the international seed quality standards.
Technical competence in selection and control of the selected seeds is constantly updated in order to offer a better and better service. In its experimental fields Continental Semences carries out the breeding of varieties with characteristics suitable for changing environmental and climatic conditions and a changing market.
The company’s technical staff keep themselves constantly up to date about the most recent molecular techniques - molecular markers, mass spectroscopy, crystallographic and structural biochemistry techniques and more - in order to monitor the authenticity and quality of the company’s produced and commercialized varieties, and to search for functional and structural characteristics to select.
We work in collaboration with public and private research institutes in Italy and abroad in order to offer our customers a better and better service.
We select and market quality seeds. We are breeders and producers of forage and amenity grass and leguminous seeds.
We produce and select directly the seeds of our varieties, therefore we know their performances in different environments, climatic conditions and agricultural practices.
The varieties we commercialise are constantly monitored in parcels as well.